Throughout our community, organizations like Leave No Child Inside, Green Umbrella, We Thrive!, Go Vibrant! and Closing the Health Gap are working in a variety of ways to engage Cincinnatians in a healthy and FUN lifestyle. A growing number of you are responding to the call, literally moving our community toward better health. Nowhere was this more evident than at June’s Paddlefest event, where the Kid’s Outdoor Adventure Expo engaged 5,000 children in outdoor activities, thousands of Greater Cincinnatians paddled on the Ohio River and more joined the fun by cycling, walking and running alongside on our riverfront trails. More recently, the City of Cincinnati’s new Let’s Move! Campaign kicked off on August 25 with families of all ethnicities joining together to zumba, salsa, yoga, walk and discover our beautiful, new Smale Riverfront Park.
LNCIgc sees the beginning of a community-wide paradigm shift as thousands of you are taking action, having realized that outdoor activities are not just healthy, they can be really fun, many are free, and that there are lots of fringe benefits like stress relief and family bonding. We’d like to say a BIG THANK YOU to organizations like those listed above who are our community’s cheerleaders for a happier, healthier lifestyle, as well as to those of you who have made a commitment to being active outdoors. Together, we can make Greater Cincinnati a place that nurtures children with a happier, healthier outdoor lifestyle.
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