Program Finder
Are you looking for nature-based or environmental education programs for school or for after-school activities? It’s easy using our Program Finder. Below you will see the full list of school and after-school programs, as well as field trip and camp opportunities.
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Currently Displaying 10 of 154 Programs Found
Archaeology of Ohio’s Native American People’s
Follow in the steps of archaeologists to find and interpret evidence left beneath the soil, and uncover Ohio's long ago past.
Astro Kids
Help share the fascination of space and delve deep into the solar system, the milky way galaxy, stars and constellations.
Astronomy Outreach To You
The Cincinnati Observatory welcomes you and your group to take a field trip and experience the wonders of the sky through our historic telescopes.
Awesome Animal Adaptations
Explore anima habitats and adaptation by studying real animals and exploring pieces from the Cincinnati Museum Center collections.
Learn about bats by meeting one, trying out echolocation and playing games.
Birds, Our Feathered Friends
Combines music, storytelling, puppets and hands-on activities to introduce bird adaptations.
Body Mechanics
This program investigates the human body, its basic functions and personal wellness.
Botanical Education
Civic Garden Center staff will visit your elementary classroom and conduct a garden lesson.
Bringing Literature to Life: Survival Literature
Hatchet, My Side of the Mountain or Danger Along the Ohio come to life as students hike to locate sources of food and water, build an emergency shelter in the woods, and try essential outdoor skills like fire building, reading maps and using a compass. The program builds excitement, deepens understanding and instills self confidence. Read the book before the program.
Busy Bees
Explore the world of pollinators and pretend to be a beekeeper working with a beehive.
Displaying Page 2 of 16 pages.