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River Explorer
20 Aug, 2013. 0 Comments. . Posted By: lncigc

Program Description:

With River Explorers, students are in rivers and creeks investigating and performing field research. They are, effectively, junior scientists for the day. Using field grade equipment, similar to that utilized by scientists and resource managers, students get ideas about career choices and a sense of value for the river work they are performing during the trip.

While students also learn from the riverbanks, they get into the water and use their hands and a variety of nets to catch aquatic creatures. The students hold what they catch (e.g., fish, macro-invertebrates), and then place them in aquaria and other containers for close study. Students in grades 7-12 also conduct water quality tests, examining different parameters to determine water chemistry values.

It is the combination of all these activities that best enable the students to make the connection between aquatic life, water quality, and watersheds. They also develop the underpinnings for a life of environmental stewardship to benefit not only themselves but also their community.

Program Provider: Ohio River Foundation
Grade Level: f) 4th Grade, g) 5th Grade, h) 6th Grade, i) 7th Grade, j) 8th Grade, k) 9th Grade, l) 10th Grade, m) 11th Grade, n) 12th Grade

How much does the program cost? $6/student or $3/student first time school

Program Provider Website:
Contact Person Name: Rich Cogen
Contact Person Phone: 513-460-3365
Contact Person Email:
Subject Matter: Animals - Live Animals, Biology, Chemistry, Conservation, Environmental Health, Geology/Fossils, Habitat, Math, Physics, Plants, Reduce Reuse Recycle, Stormwater Management, Water Quality

Program Length: Over 1 hour
Maximum Number of Students: 120
Days Offered: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Times Offered: Morning
State Content Standards Met: Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana
Venue Needed: Off-Site Venue
Region: Greater Cincinnati Area

Extra materials, if any:

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