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Natural Connections Schoolyard Programs
31 Aug, 2015. 0 Comments. . Posted By: lncigc

Program Description:

Cincinnati Nature Center offers a variety of pre-trip and post-trip schoolyard activities to enhance and extend your field trip, and build connections between your schoolyard and field trip. These options are also available as stand-alone programs for schools unable to take a field trip. Parent volunteers participate in a short training, then lead the experience with support from Nature Center staff. A brief meeting between Nature Center staff and at least one teacher is required prior to your program date to view your schoolyard and discuss details.

Organizations Served: School and After-School

Program Provider: Cincinnati Nature Center
Grade Level: c) 1st Grade, d) 2nd Grade, e) 3rd Grade, f) 4th Grade, g) 5th Grade, h) 6th Grade

How much does the program cost? $75/hour

Program Provider Website:
Contact Person Name: Melissa Sabo
Contact Person Phone: 513-831-1711
Contact Person Email:
Subject Matter: Animals, Environmental Health, Habitat, Plants

Program Length: Flexible
Maximum Number of Students: 65
Days Offered: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Times Offered: Flexible
State Content Standards Met: Ohio, Kentucky
Venue Needed: Any
Region: Greater Cincinnati Area

Extra materials, if any:

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