Program Description:
Investigate how land masses moved and shifted through time. Explore a timeline of major species evolution and extinction events. Learn about local ancient creatures, the habitat in which they lived and their adaptations. Program includes an Ordovician period diorama and fossil specimens from
museum collections.
Program Provider: Cincinnati Museum Center
Grade Level: e) 3rd Grade, f) 4th Grade, g) 5th Grade, h) 6th Grade, i) 7th Grade, j) 8th Grade
How much does the program cost? $125
Program Provider Website:
Contact Person Name: Karen Venetian
Contact Person Phone: 513-287-7021
Contact Person Email:
Subject Matter: Animals, Geology/Fossils, History
Program Length: 1 hour
Maximum Number of Students: 30
Days Offered: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Times Offered: Flexible
State Content Standards Met: Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana
Venue Needed: Any
Region: Greater Cincinnati Area
Extra materials, if any:
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