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Ecology: What’s the Connection?
16 Jan, 2014. 0 Comments. . Posted By: lncigc

Program Description:

Everything is connected! Study how organisms survive in their ecosystem and how the energy all organisms need flows through the system. As children explore food chains and food webs, they discover what roles everyone plays in an ecosystem and that everything is important.

This program is available only at the CALDWELL nature center during the FALL, WINTER and SPRING
While best suited for a nature center, this program can be adapted for presentation at a local park.

Program Provider: Cincinnati Parks
Grade Level: e) 3rd Grade, f) 4th Grade, g) 5th Grade

How much does the program cost? $5 per child and chaperone. Teachers are FREE. Minimum Fee: $125 (equivalent to 25 children/paying adults)

Program Provider Website:
Contact Person Name: Erin Morris
Contact Person Phone: 513-321-6070 Ext 10
Contact Person Email:
Subject Matter: Animals, Plants

Program Length: Flexible
Maximum Number of Students: 65
Days Offered: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Times Offered: Flexible
State Content Standards Met: Ohio
Venue Needed: Off-Site Venue
Region: Greater Cincinnati Area

Extra materials, if any:

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