Program Description:
In Hamilton County, nearly 41% of what we throw in the trash could be recycled. Students will learn the what, why and how of recycling programs while using science inquiry and applications.
Organizations Served: School and After-School
Program Provider: Hamilton County Recycling and Solid Waste District
Grade Level: a) Pre-K, b) Kindergarten, c) 1st Grade, d) 2nd Grade, e) 3rd Grade, f) 4th Grade, g) 5th Grade, h) 6th Grade, i) 7th Grade
How much does the program cost? Free
Program Provider Website:
Contact Person Name: Jenny Lohmann
Contact Person Phone: 513-946-7736
Contact Person Email: jenny.lohmann@hamilton-co-org
Subject Matter: Composting, Conservation, Environmental Health, Habitat, Reduce Reuse Recycle
Program Length: Less than 1 hour
Maximum Number of Students: 30
Days Offered: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Times Offered: Flexible
State Content Standards Met: Ohio
Venue Needed: Classroom
Region: Greater Cincinnati Area
Extra materials, if any:
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