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Caring For Our Watersheds
26 Aug, 2013. 0 Comments. . Posted By: lncigc

Program Description:

The Caring For Our Watersheds (CFW) school program empowers 9th – 12th grade students in Hamilton County to imagine, develop and create solutions in their local watersheds. CFW is both an environmental proposal contest and a project funding opportunity for high school students. The program promotes watershed awareness and stewardship, values student ideas and offers support when turning theoretical ideas into action.

CFW asks students to develop a proposal to answer the question, “What can you do to improve your watershed?” Students must research their local watershed, identify an environmental concern and come up with a realistic solution. Mentors from industry, education and conservation help student's learn, innovate and above all take action to protect our land, air and water.

Prizes are awarded to students, schools and implemented ideas.

Organizations Served: School and After-School

Program Provider: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District
Grade Level: k) 9th Grade, l) 10th Grade, m) 11th Grade, n) 12th Grade

How much does the program cost? Free

Program Provider Website:
Contact Person Name: Gwen Roth
Contact Person Phone: 513.772.7645
Contact Person Email:
Subject Matter: Air Quality and Pollution, Biology, Chemistry, Composting, Conservation, Energy, Environmental Health, Gardening Agriculture and Soil, Habitat, Litter, Literature, Physics, Plants, Reduce Reuse Recycle, Service Learning, Stormwater Management, Sustainable Design, Water Quality, Weather

Program Length: Flexible
Maximum Number of Students:
Days Offered:
Times Offered: Flexible
State Content Standards Met: Ohio
Venue Needed: Any
Region: Other

Extra materials, if any:

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