Aug 14
About our new look!
You may have noticed that we have a new brand! Our new logo has a more sophisticated look to communicate the importance of our message. Although we loved the playfulness of the original logo, our mission is a serious one that affects the health and well-being of today's children. In addition to the physical benefits, we now know that spending time in nature is beneficial for children's mental health. With pediatricians reporting stress levels in children at shockingly high rates, it's important for everyone who influences the ability of children to access nature to know that spending time in nature…
Aug 7
Evanston gets new “nature in the neighborhood”!
Every child deserves to play, learn and grow with nature in their everyday lives, and now the children of Evanston will be able to do just that at the new naturescape at the Evanston Recreation Center (ERC). Conceived nearly three years ago when Leave No Child Inside partnered with the Evanston Community Council to request that the City of Cincinnati purchase a vacant lot adjacent to the ERC for a new natural play area, the idea was embraced by the Cincinnati Recreation Commission as an ideal way to honor the memory of Wayne Lurix, a…
Aug 7
Great news in the movement to reconnect children with nature
The Children & Nature Network (C&NN) just released its impressive 2016 Annual Report on the progress that has been made in its ten years of building a movement to reconnect children with nature. C&NN was founded in response to a call to action from Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. Published in 2005, the book brought attention to the fact that today’s children spend less time in nature than any generation in human history, and it is having a negative impact on their physical, mental, emotional health. The book also…