May 20
Retired Teacher Pilots Outdoor Adventure Clubs for Urban High School Students
20 May, 2013. 1 Comment. K-12 Education, News. Posted By: lncigc
Denny McFadden is a retired teacher whose dream was to introduce urban youth to the great outdoors.   “For many years while teaching in the Cincinnati Public School district, I facilitated annual team building canoe trips for students and fellow teachers.  During those outdoor adventures, I witnessed a number of amazing things happen among our students and staff.  Lots of kids and adults who had never paddled a canoe struggled mightily.  Some became increasingly frustrated and discouraged as they tried to keep their boats upright and pointed downstream.  Eventually, however, the skills of each and every paddler improved, and as we…
May 16
Got a great idea for a backyard game?
16 May, 2013. 0 Comments. Uncategorized. Posted By: lncigc
Enter the CLIF Kid Backyard Game contest as an individual or a group and win $15,000 for your favorite non-profit, a $10,000 scholarship or other prizes! Need a little inspiration? Check out last year’s winners.
May 16 is Launched!
16 May, 2013. 0 Comments. News. Posted By: lncigc
Great news!!!!  Now you can see all of Greater Cincinnati’s outdoor events and programs on one convenient website. allows you to search for outdoor fun by activity and date.  The site, sponsored by Green Umbrella, features not only upcoming special events, but also on-going programs in our region.  It also contains a map of area destinations and retailers that supply outdoor gear.  What a great resource for families throughout our region!  Take a look and Meet Me Outdoors!