Mar 31
What’s Your Green Umbrella?
Have you wondered what the television ads for Green Umbrella are all about? Green Umbrella is an exciting new collaborative working to improve the economic vitality and quality of life in the region around Cincinnati by maximizing the collective impact of individuals and organizations dedicated to environmental sustainability. Leave No Child Inside – Greater Cincinnati is proud to participate in the Outdoor Recreation and Nature Awareness Team of Green Umbrella. The ORNA team brings together facility managers, marketing directors and nature educators to develop strategies to get more people to become aware and take advantage of the many outdoor recreational…
Mar 29
Find, Celebrate and Publicize outdoor events in April: Let’s G.O.!
Today’s children spend less time in nature than any generation in all of human history. April’s Let’s G.O.! (Get Outside) campaign is aimed at reversing that trend! Join in as people of all ages get outside to Play, Serve and Celebrate during the month of April. Let’s G.O.! (Get Outside) is the brainchild of Natural Leaders, the youth leadership section of the Children & Nature Network. In their words, “This is not just a call to action, it is a call for fun! Think of it as a party invitation, and the party location is all the green and living…